Sunday, 29 June 2014

Week 9 Notices

We are in our final week of school for this term. What a wonderful term it has been with fantastic learning around the human body systems, explanation writing, multiplication and division strategies, spelling, the Holy Spirit, the Church, music, science experiments, and many more areas of learning. Most assessments have been completed last week and you might have heard some of your child's results already. This week, we still have the last topic and maths assessments.

Static Electricity Science Experiment

Marae Trip
A letter went home last week explaining that our marae trip had to be cancelled for this term due to wet weather and the marae being fully booked this week. We have booked the marae for the 5th of August (third week in Term 3), with a back-up date the 7th of August if it is wet weather. We need to spend some time outside during our trip, so we do need it to be fine.

Science Road Show
On the 21st of August (Fifth week in Term 3), we will also be going to the Science Road Show with all the senior classes. Luckily, we have booked the sessions across the road at Rotorua Intermediate, so we can walk the children to the venue. More information will be sent home nearer the time.

This week, our class has Hit It, a physical Education programme around badminton and tennis. Please bring PE gear.

There is homework set for this week which prepares children for the topics in Term 3. Please encourage children to continue on IXL maths and keep reading throughout the holidays.

Holiday Reading Programme
The sheets will come out this week for children to fill in over the holidays.

I wish you all a happy and safe holiday.

Friday, 20 June 2014

Week 8 Notices

Room 1 presented their work on six different human body systems at assembly this week. They did an awesome job, and they spoke clearly and confidently. Well done Room 1!

Teacher Only Day on Monday

Marae Trip on Wednesday
We are going on our Marae trip on Wednesday the 25th of June from 9 - 12.30pm. We require more transport for children in Room 1. Please send a note to school if you are able to help transport to and from school. There is a $2.00 cost per child.

Mufti Day on Thursday
Mufti day - come dressed as your favourite sports person. Gold coin donation - all money goes to help the poor.

Mass is on Friday morning at 9am.

Student Led Conferences - Letters
Thank you to all those parents who sent their letters back to school. There are a number of children who have not yet brought back their letters. Please send them in this week so that we can organise a sharing time soon.

Year 5 and 6 Camps
Year 5 and 6 camp booklets went home this week. Please fill in the forms and return them to school by Friday 27th. The first 3 pages can be kept as they have all the information your require, plus the gear list. The Year 5 children were given an extra page for the payments as in the booklet, it was backed onto a page you needed to keep at home for personal fundraising.

Friday, 13 June 2014

Week 7 Notices

Student Led Conferences
Thank you to all families who came to share their child's learning. Everyone in Room 1 came to the conferences. Children spoke very well and it was lovely to hear the positive feedback from parents and families.

Please return the letter addressed to your child next week. All letters will go in the individual portfolios for children to keep.

New homework has been set for the next two weeks.

JPC Enrolment Packs
Please fill these in and return them to St Mary's Office by the 27th of June.

Marae Trip
We will be going on a trip to Ohinemutu Marae on Wednesday the 25th of June. We will be leaving school at 9.00am and returning by 12,30pm. We require transport to and from the venue and some parental help when there. A notice will be coming home on Monday with all the details.

Year 5 and Year 6 Camps
Year 5 children will be going to Lake Taupo Christian Camp for three days.
Year 6 children will be going to Auckland for four days.

Booklets with information and lots of forms to fill in will be sent home next week.

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Week 6 Notices

Student Led Conferences
Thank you to all those who have booked a conference with their child. If you are unable to come, an older sibling, aunt, uncle or grandparents can also come to a conference.

After the conference, you will be asked to choose from a range of letter templates, and at home, write a letter to your child about their conference and learning progress. Letters can be sent along to school and I will keep them safe until the sharing time. Within a week after the conference, time will be set aside at school for children to read their letters and share them with others if they wish.

If you have not yet made time for a conference, please go on the www.schoolinterviews website and type in the code VBXWT, and choose a time from the available conference times.

Wednesday June 11th, school closes at 12.30pm.
Thursday June 12th is a normal school day. Conferences begin at 4pm.

Home Reading
Please make sure books are returned on Fridays.

Monday at 11.45am.

Lego Competition
On Monday, children will be given a poster advertising this competition. They can participate individually or with a partner. Children need to bring certain materials themselves. Some lego blocks are available for children to use.