Saturday, 28 February 2015

Week 5 Notices

Gala Day
This Thursday from 4pm onwards. Please bring grocery items, toys, books and any other items that can be sold at the Gala Day. Children get house points for items brought in.

Cake Competition for Years 5 and 6
A notice will come home today regarding this competition.

No swimming this week. We will swim again in week 6.

Thanks to Mrs Schuster who came in to help with the hand-made paper making on Friday. It was a difficult and challenging process in the Middle Ages, but it is the same in 2015! We will continue making paper again this week until all children in the class have made their own.

We are in the process of booking buses and activities for the two camps. Please note that the camps are in the last week of Term 3. More information about total costs will be sent out as soon as we have confirmed bookings. We will also send out a request for parent helpers for both camps at the same time.
Year 5 Camp: 21 - 23 September (Lake Taupo Christian Camp)
Year 6 Camp: 21 - 24 September (Auckland)

Friday, 20 February 2015

Week 4 Notices

Wonderful posters were handed in from last weeks homework, a high standard has been set. For all those who have not handed their posters in, please do so on Monday.

We are swimming every day this week. Bring your togs and towel.

Golden Time
We will be having a water fight on Friday as children will already have their togs at school.

New homework has been set for the next two weeks.

Gala Day
Please bring in the items for the Gala. Children will get house points for all items they bring.

Please bring books on Friday so that they can be exchanged.

Have a great week!

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Week 3 Notices

The Warriors were at school on Friday and spoke to a very excited crowd of children.

We are swimming on Monday and Tuesday this week. On Tuesday, we are walking to the Aquatic Centre for the final swimming assessment. We will be walking and leaving school at 9.45am. Our lesson is from 10.30 - 11.30, and we will have morning tea there before our walk back. We will leave the Aquatic Centre around 11.45am so that we can be back at school by 12.30pm. If any parents would like to accompany us on the walk there and back, please let me know by emailing me or sending a note along with your child.

Ash Wednesday Liturgy
We will be having an Ash Wednesday Liturgy at St Mary's Church on Wednesday (sorry to state the obvious!) the 18th of February at 9.00am. All welcome.

Every Friday this term. Bring your books along to exchange or renew.

Sorry, there have been a few glitches with Studyladder. The layout has been upgraded and the maths tasks disappeared during the week. I have set some measurement tasks again for Years 4, 5 and 6. For those children  who find measurement challenging, there are a couple of tasks in Year 4 to begin with. I will speak to those children who need to begin at this point. Hopefully the problems have been resolved and children can now access the maths tasks.

Saturday, 7 February 2015

Week 2 Notices

What a wonderful first week we have had in Room 1! I have seen so much enthusiasm for learning, and have had many interesting class discussions in the first four days of the school year.

I have begun to read a novel to the class about a girl and her family who flee from Afghanistan for a better life in Australia. We do discuss topics in the news and what is happening in different parts of the world, but your child may want to ask you more in-depth questions. I encourage them to discuss these topics with their parents as well.

Our topic is communities in Medieval Times / Middle Ages. Some homework has been set around this topic.

Swimming this week
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. Please ensure that children have their swimwear at school. The tutors from the Aquatic Centre are taking lessons in our pool over the next two weeks.

Meet the Teacher
Thursday at 4.05 - 4.30pm. I look forward to meeting you all. Individual interviews will happen at the beginning of Term 2. Please see me if you have any concerns about your child's learning.

Beginning of Year Mass
2pm on Thursday in the Church. All families welcome.

Water Bottles
I have suggested that children bring water bottles to school over these next months when it is so hot. They may have them in class so that they can drink when they need to.

Sunday, 1 February 2015

Week 1 Notices


Welcome back to the new 2015 school year. I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday break.

 There will be a ‘Meet the Teacher’ afternoon slot on Thursday the 12th of February at 4.05 – 4.30pm for senior classes. Individual interviews will be held at the beginning of Term 2. More information will be available in the newsletter.


Homework can be found on the class blog or alternatively, go onto the school website and click on Room 1 Blog. Our concept this term is ‘communities’ and Room 1 will be focusing on the Medieval Times. Children will be asked to research this topic for homework at times throughout this term. Homework will be set every two weeks to allow children enough time to also participate in other extra curricula activities.


Weekly notices will also be on the class blog. Notices for the new week will be available Sunday evenings. If you wish to contact me, please pop into the class to talk, or we can make a time to meet. You can also email me on


Children in the senior school are participating in a swimming programme run by Go4It. The programme will begin on Wednesday the 4th of February at the Aquatic Centre with a swimming lesson, followed by six lessons in our pool at school run by the teachers from the Aquatic Centre. On Tuesday the 17th of February, children will participate in another assessment lesson at the Aquatic Centre. All children are required to participate in this programme unless they have a medical reason. Please speak to me, or send a note, if your child is unable to swim. Children will need to bring their swimming togs, towel and sunblock. We will have morning tea at the pool. Please ensure that you child also has a bottle of water to drink. We will be walking to and from the Aquatic Centre and require extra adult supervision on the walk. The date and times are listed below. If you are able to assist us, please email me or send a note. Thank you.


Wednesday, February 4

Lesson from 9.30 – 10.30am (we will leave school at 8.45am and return around 11.30am)