Thursday, 17 July 2014

Week 1, Term 3

Welcome back everyone. I hope that you all had a great break and are ready to learn. This term we are focusing on globalisation, in particular around trade and food; where does our food come from?

There is a Teacher Only Day on Monday the 21st of July.

We have a marae trip booked in week 3, a Science Road Show trip in week 5, a museum trip in week 9 where we will learn about trade during the war, including many other aspects of the war. We will require transport for the marae trip and a notice will be sent home closer to the time.

Bring your library books back on Monday so that they can be changed for new books.

The Holiday Reading sheet is due back at school this week - a chance of a prize if you have completed the required reading over the holidays.

Father Mark School Farewell Liturgy - School Hall, Wednesday 23rd July  10am.
Followed by Shared morning tea- all Whanau invited to come along and share together.

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