Saturday, 31 May 2014

Week 5 Notices

 Children sharing information about the digestive system.

 Yes, that is a cow skull on the table. Thanks to Callum for bringing it in.
Room 1 students hard at work, learning all about the digestive system. Parents and whanau, you might like to ask your child what they know about the systems in the human body. You might be surprised to hear what they know.

On Friday at 11.00am, there will be Pentecost Mass at St Mary's Church. We will be celebrating this mass with students from St Michael's School.

Children did really well at cross-country on Thursday. All the training paid off and there were no reported injuries. We are so lucky to have the Redwoods so close, and to be able to run in such a wonderful environment.

Homework has been set for the next two weeks. IXL is up and running again and more information is on the Homework page. Please note that children will have new usernames and passwords which will be sent home in a letter on Tuesday.

Lost Property
This box is now situated outside Room 4. The box is overflowing with lost property. Children are encouraged to look through the box, but most of the time, they don't even realise that they have lost anything! If you are picking up your child from school and have a spare minute, wander over and take a look. You might find a lost item or three in the pile!

Student Led Conferences
In the last newsletter you will find booking information for the Student Led Conferences. This week, children will begin organising work to show you. Please make time on one of the given days to share your child's learning with them as children have put in a lot of effort into preparing for the conferences.

Sunday, 25 May 2014

Week 4 Notices

RE Books
There are a number of workbooks that need to be returned to school. Please make sure that they are returned tomorrow.

As you will have seen from the school newsletter we will be holding our Inter-House school cross country on the afternoon of Thursday 29 May in the Redwoods Forest. This is for Yr 3-6 students.
A form detailing the day will be sent home on Monday.
To make this a successful & enjoyable event for everyone we require parental assistance both with regards to transport and marshalling on the day.
We will need the following help  at various times on the day from parents:

12:30pm - Transporting children from school to the Redwoods Visitor Centre
1pm – 2:20pm Marshalling in the forest on the day
2:30pm - Transporting 'bus' and 'After School Care' children from the Visitor Centre back to school to catch the 2.50pm and 3pm buses. 
Parents will be asked to pick up their children from the Redwoods at 2.30pm.

If you are able to help out we’d really appreciate it.

Catholic Character Review
This week we have a Catholic Character review in the school. We will have a powhiri on Tuesday morning to welcome our guests. The review team will be visiting classrooms throughout the week.

Monday morning. Bring your library books to school.

Mrs Hall is taking children for music and some children wish to play their instruments to the class. Children may bring their instrument to school on Wednesday.

Homework is due this Friday. Home Reading to be handed in on Friday as well.

Saturday, 17 May 2014

Week 3 Notices

Student Led Conferences
These will be held in week 6 this term. A notice went home last week giving parents an overview of the conference. This week, you will receive an invitation from your child to attend the conference. Dates and the website where you can book times will also be on the invitation.

Home Reading
Unfortunately, a number of children who are on this programme are not bringing their reading packs back to school every week. Please ensure that your child does read every night and sign the notebook. This way, your child learns that reading is very important.

Every Monday. Seniors can issue two books every week.

This will be on the 29th of May in the afternoon. We will require transport to get children to the Redwoods around lunchtime. More information will be sent home about this event soon. Children are training every day so they need PE gear to change into when running.

Leader Badges
Those children who are leaders are expected to wear their badges at school. If your child has a badge, can you encourage them to wear their badge.

Great posters are coming to school. Homework was due last Friday. Please encourage your child to complete their homework and bring it to school on time. New homework has been set on this blog.

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Week 2 Notices

Cross-Country Training:
We will be training for cross-country every day over the next weeks. Please bring PE gear to school every day. Cross-country is on the 29th in the afternoon. More information will be in the following newsletters.

On Monday - bring your books back tomorrow.

Home Reading Programme:
If your child is on this programme, please ensure they read every night and return their bag of books on Friday.

Holiday Reading:
Bring back your forms before Wednesday 14th of May to be in the prize draw.