Student Led Conferences
These will be held in week 6 this term. A notice went home last week giving parents an overview of the conference. This week, you will receive an invitation from your child to attend the conference. Dates and the website where you can book times will also be on the invitation.
Home Reading
Unfortunately, a number of children who are on this programme are not bringing their reading packs back to school every week. Please ensure that your child does read every night and sign the notebook. This way, your child learns that reading is very important.
Every Monday. Seniors can issue two books every week.
This will be on the 29th of May in the afternoon. We will require transport to get children to the Redwoods around lunchtime. More information will be sent home about this event soon. Children are training every day so they need PE gear to change into when running.
Leader Badges
Those children who are leaders are expected to wear their badges at school. If your child has a badge, can you encourage them to wear their badge.
Great posters are coming to school. Homework was due last Friday. Please encourage your child to complete their homework and bring it to school on time. New homework has been set on this blog.
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