Sunday, 25 May 2014

Week 4 Notices

RE Books
There are a number of workbooks that need to be returned to school. Please make sure that they are returned tomorrow.

As you will have seen from the school newsletter we will be holding our Inter-House school cross country on the afternoon of Thursday 29 May in the Redwoods Forest. This is for Yr 3-6 students.
A form detailing the day will be sent home on Monday.
To make this a successful & enjoyable event for everyone we require parental assistance both with regards to transport and marshalling on the day.
We will need the following help  at various times on the day from parents:

12:30pm - Transporting children from school to the Redwoods Visitor Centre
1pm – 2:20pm Marshalling in the forest on the day
2:30pm - Transporting 'bus' and 'After School Care' children from the Visitor Centre back to school to catch the 2.50pm and 3pm buses. 
Parents will be asked to pick up their children from the Redwoods at 2.30pm.

If you are able to help out we’d really appreciate it.

Catholic Character Review
This week we have a Catholic Character review in the school. We will have a powhiri on Tuesday morning to welcome our guests. The review team will be visiting classrooms throughout the week.

Monday morning. Bring your library books to school.

Mrs Hall is taking children for music and some children wish to play their instruments to the class. Children may bring their instrument to school on Wednesday.

Homework is due this Friday. Home Reading to be handed in on Friday as well.

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