Shared Learning

How to solve the Rubics cube

Multiplying larger numbers

Elf Yourself.


Using more than one adjective to describe a noun.

Here are some Flappy bird games that Krishn has developed.

Tom's Flappy birds game.

What is a Jesse tree?

School participation survey

How to use Sketchup

The Sacraments

Skatepark infomration

Skatepark Padlet

QR Code generator

The Great NZ flag referendum

Recording podcasts using GarageBand on an Ipad.

Book reviews

Here are some examples of book reviews written by other children.

Monday Writing:

Let's practice adding descriptive language to our writing.
Topic: Something you did over the weekend.
Click here to see an example.
Now have a go here.
Once you have added some describing words team up someone next to you to share what you've done.
Carry on and add some more!
Challenge - Use a ! , ? and " " in your learning.

Remember to add an introduction: Where, when and who you were with.
Use chronological order: describe what you did and how you felt in the order that they happened.

Here is the writing tips website that Mrs Cato shared in class.

Reread your own writing!

Class count - use this to help learn your X tables.

Here is a short tutorial to help you understand how to use speech marks.
Here is Mr James' first PowToon. What do you think? Join our class PowToons group here - Use your Google logon to join.
How does water get to our taps?

This video will give you the general idea.

Think you're pretty good at making paper planes? Here's a link to a website that has templates and videos of how to make some pretty cool paper panes.

Here is a link to our Service Speech ideas Padlet. Remember to add ideas to help organise your own thoughts and to help your class mates.
Here is the link to enter your Doodle 4 Google entries. Take your entry to the School office before Friday 21 August and fill in the online form here. You'll need to get your parent's permission and add the school details.

 The Life cycle of a frog.
Access the video here.

Is it a solid, liquid or gas? Watch this short video to find out.

What are the properties of water? Find out here.

Now test your knowledge of Solids liquids and gases here.
Here's another website to help you understand solids, liquids and gases.

Make you own E-Book using Te Reo here


Here are the parts of the Water cycle

What is the Water Cycle?


Maths - Statistical Investigation

Kite Making

Science Display - preparing our projects.

Sharing our learning with the middle and junior children.

Writing poems in groups.

Alofagia working hard on her reading task.

Hanaka, Jorgia, Krishn and Vincent writing on google docs.

What is sustainable energy?

Sustainable energy means “renewable”, so we can always use it again. We use sustainable energy  for turning on : lights, heaters/heat pump, kitchen tools like a fridge or oven or even a dishwasher.To sum it up we use sustainable energy for electricity.But not all of our electricity comes from renewable energy because it also comes from Gas, Oil and coal which are all part of fossil fuels, that means you can’t use it again.

We use six types of renewable energy which make our electricity:

solar, wind, geothermal, tidal/wave, hydro dams and biomass.

Wind energy is one of the types of renewable energy sources. Wind turbines that are placed out in the ocean collect wind by spinning their 3 blades around and around fast. The 3 blades are on a cone shaped triangle which holds them out of reach to each other.

Then there is a long tower which holds up the cone and blades high to catch more wind. When there are lots of wind turbines together it is called a wind farm.

Geothermal energy is mostly only found in Rotorua NZ because of the geysers and hot springs that tourists only come to look at. Geothermal energy comes from the core inside the earth. Because the core is so hot the air rises through all the layers of the earth to reach the to and if it lands under a geyser or some hot water it makes it react.

I think it is a good idea to use sustainable energy because it helps us live our life by turning on ovens to heat food, lights to see, heaters to keep us warm and lots of other things. Also I think it is awesome to use sustainable energy because you are using the environment to keep our life going.

What is Sustainable energy?

Sustainable energy is energy that will run forever. It can not be created or destroyed. There is six types of sustainable that is used for electricity. The six types are... solar, wind, biomass, hydro dams, tidal/wave and geothermal. Sustainable energy is also called ‘renewable energy’.
Also there is non-renewable energy that will not run forever because once we use it there is no more. There are three types of non-renewable energy sources. They are... coal, oil and natural gas (also known as the fossil fuels).
Solar energy energy comes from the sun which is why it will be forever because the sun will never run out. The sunlight will run through the solar panel on the top of someone roof of their house. Then it will run through your house's power so that all your electricity and powers your devices.
Wind energy is captured by a large wind turbine in a very windy place to get the energy from the wind. Inside of the wind turbine there are little cogs that make the energy. If you find a space of lots of wind turbines that is called a wind farm. A wind farm captures all the energy from the wind. Then the energy will go underground and to your house.
Tidal/wave energy is captured by big turbines under the water that spin in the motion of the waves. The energy is sent by the inside of the turbine.
Where do you think you should put wind turbines?? Well I say in wellington because it is windy there.

Where do you think you should put solar panels?? Well I think you should put it in the desert because it is very hot and has a lot of sun.

How do you think we should use renewable energy in the future?? I think we should not keep using non-renewable energy and start using renewable energy instead.

Written by Isabella Park

Sustainable Energy Projects

Ruapehu Reading Group performed a play for the class.

Our Solar Oven experiment. We discovered that chocolate melts really well and even the marshmallows get very soft so that you can squish them between two biscuits. Unfortunately, the ants also enjoyed tasting some of our food, especially if it was in a pizza box. We now know that shoe boxes make better solar ovens because they are higher and seal better to keep the heat in.

A selection of lunches sent in for the Healthy Lunchbox Competition this week.

Our energy thinking map. The dark green shows what we now know after doing research.
Elliott and Alofagia working on their maths together.
Researching renewable energy sources.

Cross Country 2015

The Years 3 and 4 begin their run.

Reading follow-up activities

What is Biosecurity?


Biosecurity is a company of New Zealand that looks after the Environment and keeps viruses and diseases from coming into the country. The native plants and animals are now living with some predators. A few predators have came over the years which has affected the birds like the kiwi and the kakapo because they have lost the ability to fly and are now living on the ground. A pest that they have recently found is a alga found in europe. They call it didymo and it is an alga that clings to the rocks in streams and is often called ‘’rock snot’’. There is a disease called foot-and-mouth.

Biosecurity is also helping with the fruit flies that are coming into New Zealand and they have recently found one in Auckland. 
Written by Kyla Brown

Energy Questions
In groups, children added all the questions they had to this google doc. Children then learned about open and closed questions. They went through their own questions and turned them into open questions. Then each group voted for the best questions. The questions with the most votes were written out and added to our wall display.

How do renewable energy sources work?

Who was that man ?

Who was that man
who brought his camera to war ?
Who was that man
That got in his uniform excitedly ?
Who was that man
who hugged his parents goodbye ?
Who was that man
that  cried in the trenches ?
Who was that man
That watched his friend get shot ?
Who was that man
That wrote a letter to his parents and never heard back ?
Who was that man
That lead the attack ?
Who was that man
That risked his life for others ?
Who was that  man
that never came back ?
Who was that man
That made friends with the enemy ?
Who was that man
That never saw his friend again ?

Who was that man
that died on the last day ?

Written by Taylor & Callum

Who is That Man?

Who is that young man that lied about his age?
Who is that young man that signed up for war?
Who is that young man that proudly packs his camera and equipment?
Who is that young man that slips on his uniform?
Who is that young man who waves goodbye when getting on a ship?
Who is that young man who struggles to do the training in Egypt?
Who is that young man who swapes his camera for a gun?
Who is that young man that climbs up the cliff?
Who is that young man who digs the trenches in the dark of night?
Who is that man that stays in a trench with all the men that died from trench foot?
Who is that man that lives with the terrible smell of the dead people?
Who is that man who listens to the buzzing flies, and other animals?
Who is that man that is in a trench waiting for the whistle?
Who is that man running when he hears the whistle?
Who is that man watching people die?
Who is that man who survives eating corned beef, bacon, cheese, and hard dry biscuits?
Who is that man how stands by his dead friends side crying quietly?
Who is that man who with pride represents his country?
Who is that man who buried his friends and team members?
Who is that man who had to be inventive?
 Who is that man who made the jam tin bombs and periscope rifle?
Who is that man that always sent postcards to his family?
Who is that man standing on the hill watching the bombs go by?
Who is that man slowly walking down the shore?
Who is that man smiling with joy that war is over?
Who is that man sailing on the ship watching the waves go by?
Who is that man having a party  at home because he has survived?

(100 years later…)
Who is that old man at the ANZAC parade wearing his W.W.1 medals with pride?

Written By: Lina Stahlhut and Isabella Park

Swimming lessons at the Aquatic Centre Term 1, 2015

Getting our life jackets on and getting our instructions before we got into the deep pool.

Survival skills taught by the team at the Aquatic Centre. A bit scary for some to jump into the deep inside pool!

Swimming assessment in the outside pool.

 We finished our swimming assessment and had a great time in the spa pools.

The Warriors came to visit our school in Term 1, 2015

Learning in Room 1
Medieval Times
We created 'hand-made' paper recipe books and illustrated the edges using the same methods as the illuminators did in the Medieval Times.

2014 Photos
Elizabeth and Francis helping each other edit their writing.

Room 1 team getting ready to play Balloon Tag for Golden Time on Friday.
Room 1 students engrossed in peer assessment around writing.
Raymond and Taekata share their marae project.
Alexander's winning cake at the Gala Day. He won gold for the Year 6 category.

Participants in the talent quest.

Sharing learning about the Romans.

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